July 24, 2018 Maneeza Aminy

For Our 5th Birthday, We’re Making an Mpact!

If you read my last blog post, you know that MarvelMarketers is celebrating its 5th birthday this month and that we’ve created something big to take our work beyond the marketing world.

Our thirst for truly being heroic every single day made the decision to launch our non-profit foundation, Mpact, super easy. The second I spoke of the vision, our superheroes lined up to help!

So, “Why so serious?” Why a formal foundation?  

Because it is a forcing agent. A way to make sure that in the darkest hours, when villians seem like they are almost winning, right when they spill their entire maniacal plan, when everything you plan for just seems really hard and difficult, we still make sure good wins over evil. And we will make sure that we never forget to make an Mpact beyond ourselves.

Not all superheroes wear capes. It is everyday heroes that scale compassion and make the biggest Mpact on the world.

While some are celebrated, many go unnoticed. We want to thank those everyday superheroes who make the world a better place. Every project we work on with our amazing clients has an opportunity to extend heroism beyond tools, beyond marketing, beyond ourselves, and beyond borders.

To celebrate our birthday, we are giving a very special gift–the gift of life. And we’re asking you to do the same. We’ve created an online blood drive campaign through the Red Cross. No matter where you call home, you can pledge your support. Each pint of blood can save three lives, and every drop counts!

And while you’re at it, check out the story behind Mpact. See the Mpact we’ve already created, what we’re planning next, and how you can join us on our mission.

Thank you for your support–-not just today, but over the past five years. We couldn’t do what we do without you!

Humbly yours,

Maneeza and her team of real-life superheroes

P.S.  We wrote a poem to launch Mpact:

Star light, star bright,
What is it I fear tonight?
The depths of black? My Martech Stack?
Or voicemails I have yet to play?

Is it the boundless growth of complexity?
Or the mountain of career opportunity?

In our work, we say goodbye a lot, and that is fearful
Sometimes the joy is even equally tearful

But all in all, we are so blessed
That our type of fear trumps the rest

It is the fear that fuels growth… the healthy kind
Instead of fear that paralyzes the mind

Or the fear that others in the world endure
We are so very lucky, that is for sure

And with that, Marvel Marketers is proud to say
We want to make an Mpact every day

To celebrate the heroes that push through fear
And for the rest of us, make things clear

And with that spark of good intent
And the responsibility we have to give back
We proudly launch Marvel Marketers’ non-profit foundation, Mpact

We can’t wait to thank you, world,
And may our attitude remain one of gratitude!


Marvel Marketers Marketo Engagio #Giveback #Mpact #Foundation

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Maneeza Aminy

Maneeza is the CEO and Founder of Marvel Marketers, a global digital marketing consultancy. As an early employee of both Marketo and Salesforce, Maneeza is a respected thought leader, industry evangelist, and strategist for Marketing Automation and Digital Transformation. Maneeza and her epic team of superheroes work with some of the world’s largest brands to transform their organizations with cutting-edge technology, strategy, innovation, and partnerships.